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Trademark Disclaimer

Marketzone Christchurch is a third-party accessories and replacement parts provider and we are not affiliated with any of the Product(s) or Manufacturer(s) listed in our store.

Marketzone Christchurch uses trademark names only for the purpose of highlighting and providing important information on the compatibility of the products to our customers.

“Apple” “iPhone” "Apple Watch" “iPad” “iPod” “Mac” are registered trademarks of Apple, Inc. “Samsung” and “Galaxy” are registered trademarks of Samsung. Marketzone Christchurch is in the market to provide an alternative option to consumers and we only source for the highest quality aftermarket accessories and replacement parts.

All trademarks (not limited to the ones stated in this disclaimer) are properties of their respective holders and have no official affiliation with Marketzone Christchurch. Marketzone Christchurch do not own or make any claim to the trademarks used in this website.


By using this Website, you are in acceptance of our trademark disclaimer. If you do not understand or agree with our trademark disclaimer or any of our policies, please do not use our Website. If you continue to proceed following the posting of changes to this policy it will be deemed your acceptance of those changes.

Marketzone Christchurch Team
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